Friday, February 27, 2009

fantastic posing greed

"You're like Steven Tyler meets Fall Out Boy meets Robert Pattinson from Twilight"

Bak kata pepatah Randy Jackson to Adam Lambert... Not much resemblence I must say.

I'd like to thank Adam Lambert for sort of introducing me to The Rolling Stones. I mean, I've heard of them, but never really heard them.... Anyway hari ni penat gile kat sekolah.

And next Tuesday is exams... We law weh! I am so dead for Geography. Not so worried about Science though, science is easy. Maths bolehlah, Kemahiran Hidup tak payah cakaplah, instant fail, man.

I got my Titanus jab last Monday. It still hurts I tell you. It has this sort of bruised thing. [sigh] something like that anyway.

Chee Yan took the exam earlier and she said it was freaking hard! Ayo ma, ayo pa.... Vhat am I gonna do? Buku pon belum usik lagi. Thank God for tuition. Paham jugak lah. Thank goodness for mom 'cos she insisted on it.

I get the impression that Rihanna is really lame and cheesy. Overly sexy macam towards the prostetude type. Entahlah. I'm not a fan of her anyway.

I miss my fellow 2Cekapians. Which is why we selected 2Cs are gonna do our kerja kursus on the bangunan Masjid Jamed and then lepas kita buat ape-ape yang sepatutnya kita buat, then we go to KLCClah, and do what ever. Kan kan Izarra?

I am so blissed that I've found real music. Well I have actually, but hey, its adding to the collection. Okay crapping.

I just realised something. I am very blessed. And I dont even realised that. I dont know why but its always more for me. More, more, more! Well I'm sick of that of wanting more. So, I'm making a bet with myself of not asking my mom for anything in this month. We'll see how that evolves in a month. I'm just saying that a lot of other people has less things then I do, and should be thankful and you people too.

And quit boasting even if you do have a lot of dosh - its annoying sometimes. Yeah, I'm talking about you Jamie.


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